About Us
Irish Seaspray
We are the largest Irish exporter of Irish-origin organic smoked salmon. Our products are available worldwide. We produce under private label for some of Europe's most prestigious retailers. Quality certification is to IFS Food 6 standard at the highest level. Our products are kosher and carry the unique "Smoked in the country of origin" logo. We pride ourselves on our traceability system being one of the first of it's kind and offer an unprecedented level of comfort to our clients as to the provenance of what they are consuming. Our smoked salmon production begins with a rigorous selection of the finest fresh salmon. Dry salting permits perfect maturation of the fresh salmon thus retaining it’s characteristic taste and firm texture. Then using pure Irish oak it is smoked at low temperature, giving the product it’s unique smoke taste and incomparable colour.
Connemara Seafoods
Connemara Seafood is Ireland’s leading cultivator, processor and exporter of fresh, frozen, freeze chilled, pasteurised and organic seafood products. Our products are exported worldwide to leading global retailers, food distributors, food services, and secondary food processors. Situated on the Atlantic in one of the world’s most unspoilt natural environments off the west coast of Ireland, we have over 60 years’ experience in the seafood industry. Our decades of expertise give us a unique understanding of the marine, the natural environment and the balance between harnessing seafood from the sea and sustainability. This knowledge coupled with utilising leading production technologies and innovation in product development enables us to produce the very best premium shellfish products available in the international market. At the heart of our business is a fully integrated quality management system. The standard we have achieved is reflected in best-in-class food production accreditations.

Connemara Producers Group was established with the support of Bord Iascaigh Mhara under the Seafoods Scaling and New Market Development Scheme. This scheme is managed by BIM and is part funded by both the Irish Government and the European Maritime Fisheries Fund. The scheme aims to promote economies of scale through industry cooperation and shared route to market, encourage innovation, increase scale and improve competitiveness.